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Post by: Dr. Fernando Noronha

32  is a milestone in dentistry. It signifies the number of permanent teeth in your mouth and sometimes the number of painful visits to your friendly dentist 🙂

YEARS in your life can mean the happy, the wild ,  the boring drilling, the fun achieving, the tiring and the fulfilling…. In my case all together a satisfying period spent with so many who were a part of this journey.

A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear. Giving you one of them is the most rewarding experience which has kept us focused and committed to this field. Even more challenging is the varied cases we encounter and the innumerable teeth we save.

32 years has seen me growing from one chair to five operatories, a specialized children’s dentistry and a unique home dentistry for the non-ambulatory, sick or housebound patient.

You Made It All Happen…..

Along with my core team, I am eternally grateful to all of you who have been a support and have entrusted your pearls in our hands and continue to do so with utmost faith in our services and quality of care. We reiterate our commitment to society by providing the best of dental treatments with the latest materials and techniques to bring back the smiles to where they belong..















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