Post by: Dr. Fernando
Driving down to Quelossim and to St.Annes High School, was an amazing drive. The village settings, the greenery, the colorful ‘bonderam’ along the way with festive palm leaves at intervals really welcomed us to a quiet and serene locality. School bells and children all in line walked past us and we followed them into a very nice school building. We were ushered to a large hall where banners indicated the venue for a comprehensive health check up camp organised by the Voluntary health association of Goa and supported by Sanofi.
The team comprising of Dr.Prithvi, Dr.Sneha, Dr.Roshni and Dr.Fernando with the able support of Fatima immediately set up four stations for the oral examination of the kids.
The programme started with a welcome and children with ‘ hands behind their backs’ 🙂 made to stand in line with a paper handed to them, were directed to the general physician for a general checkup and then to the dental section for their oral examination.
Every child was guided about their respective treatments, oral hygiene measures and a tooth paste courtesy Indoco Waren Laboratories, was distributed to every child.
After recess, there was a presentation made by Dr. Roshni highlighting the role of the teeth , their importance and how to maintain them for a lifetime. The importance of tooth brushing, good diet and avoidance of bad habits was stressed upon. The children participated enthusiastically in the slide show.
Over 260 children were attended to in the camp.
THE next day a similar camp was undertaken for the Govt. Middle School, Dabolim. .Here we interacted with a different class of children belonging to the migrant and labour class. Surprisingly they had a better oral health which goes to show how -the higher you climb the social ladder the weaker your teeth are 🙂 it was rewarding to guide these children on the right path of oral health.