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Scientific session on ” USE OF POSTS” by Dr.Fernando Noronha

Abbott Health care is organising a Scientific Session cum discussion on the topic “USE OF POSTS IN PULPLESS TEETH”, by Dr. Fernando Noronha, on Saturday, the 12th March 2016, at 2.00 p.m at Hotel Manohanti, Dada vaidya Road, Panaji.
All Dentists are welcome for the interactive session.

69th IDA National Conference, Delhi

69th IDA National Conference, Delhi

The 69th  Indian Dental Association National Conference in Delhi concluded on  an excellent note with over 5000 delegates from all over the country and overseas.  With a meeting space of over 70,000 sq. ft , & 7 large halls  providing continuous presentations and symposia, a trade fair with over 300 exhibitors and 150 booths,  the theme “Roadmap towards Smart Dentistry”was apt.

We at Dr. Fernando Noronha’s Dental Clinic were proud to be associated with this event and were the largest representation from Goa.

Dr. Anagha presented on “the Role of the dentist as a Detective”. she elaborated on the importance of the dentist in forensics, various telltale signs for the investigator and  the importance of maintaining records.

Dr.Roshni touched on the topic of ” Pediatric dentistry for the General practitioner”. Commonly  occurring cases  where we tend to overlook or ignore thinking the child is small or  the teeth will go, were stressed upon. Also the carelessness of the dentist and the importance of timely intervention to prevent later damage was highlighted.image1

Dr. Fernando Noronha spoke on ” is Extraction the last resort?”. various options of conservation even when the tooth was wholly destroyed were evaluated. It was concluded that even when everything fails there is always a chance with “FERRPOST” and the option of extraction can be deferred and successfully delayed.IMG_7082

All in all a truly enlightening conference and we returned rejuvenated with a zeal for even better Dentistry. IMG_7217 IMG_7092 IMG_20160219_105445448

Case of the month: SIALOLITHIASIS

Post by: Dr. Roshni



Case presentation: 7 year old child, came to us with an extra-oral swelling (pain and fever) on lower right cheek.

On careful examination of the hard and soft tissues, I noticed an abnormality in the floor of the mouth. On digital palpation, the foreign body was moveable and clearly an obstruction in the salivary duct.

Undoubtedy, this was a Sialolith, present in the duct of the sub-mandibular gland. The child was kept under a course of antibiotics and analgesics. A tiny incision enabled us to effortlessly remove the stone.





A mucous retention cyst characterized by one or more calcified stones(sialoliths) within a salivary gland or its duct. Usually occurs among middle-aged adults and quite a few cases have been reported in children.

Chief complaints range from intermittent pain and discomfort to recurrent swelling and stabbing pain. Detected on routine clinical and radiographic examinations.

Oral Health Month Program at Dr. Fernando’s Pediatric Dental Care and Implant Centre

Oral Health Month Program at Dr. Fernando’s Pediatric Dental Care and Implant Centre

Post by Dr. Roshni

Oral Health Month with our special patients
Oral Health Month with our special patients

Oral Health Month-2015

Spanning October to Nov, every year, the Indian Dental Association (IDA) in partnership with Colgate organizes the Oral Health Month(OHM) with an objective to spread oral health awareness throughout the country.

Being members of the IDA, Dr. Fernando and his team welcomed special and under-priviledged children at our Pediatric Dental Clinic. We performed various procedures from oral prophylaxis, extractions to single-sitting RCT’s and temporary crowns.

Our little efforts to “Keep India Smiling”



Aesthetics compromised
Aesthetics compromised
Single sitting root canal on upper right central incisor
Single sitting root canal on upper right central incisor
Restored aesthetic and functionality
Restored aesthetic and functionality
Early Detection of Oral Cancer: A scientific presentation

Early Detection of Oral Cancer: A scientific presentation

With alarming  statistics of 80,000 new cases of ORAL CANCER being diagnosed every year in India alone, the role of the  general dentist is pivotal  in early detection of ORAL CANCER and patient education. Dr. Noronha’s presentation highlighted the importance of early detection,  the difficulties faced in diagnosing spots and lesions, to mis-diagnosing them as normal variations of the oral mucosa and the role of the general dentist in creating awareness and immediate intervention. Dr. Fernando explained how thorough knowledge and quick action can reduce the rates of malignant transformation. He explained the key points at the Interdisciplinary Clinical Research and Update program, held at the Goa Dental College, On the 3rd of October 2015.


Dentistry is a work of the heart

Dentistry is a work of the heart

post by Dr. Ankita                                      IMG-20150827-WA0035

Today was a special day dedicated to Special children of the Peace Heaven School in Caranzalem. Special they were .. they had good oral hygiene, they enjoy life and take things in life so easy, are an inspiration to all of us.

Today was one of my best day experience. I  feel so satisfied  from the inside  after helping these children with their dental problems. I feel that  God has given us everything and still we are unsatisfied. Looking at these children how happy and carefree despite having problems and limitations was an inspiration to me. I feel that these special children have a better understanding than all of us who are ‘supposed to be special’. I cannot forget a particular girl called Avita. she was so cooperative, just kept her mouth open for the whole procedure and inspite  of the pain she might have been having did not have a lethargic face at the end at all. In fact she was smiling at the end. I really appreciate these children and am happy to become a part of them.

I am thankful to Dr. Fernando Noronha , my guide , all my colleagues Dr, Anagha, Dr. Roshni and Dr.Sneha and the clinic staff Geeta and Fatima as well as the Sister from Peace Heaven school who cooperated with us and gave us this great opportunity

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Lecture series for Nursing students

Lecture series for Nursing students

IMG-20150824-WA0008 IMG-20150824-WA0010For the second year in sucession Dr. Fernando Noronha has been offering a series of lectures for the nursing students of SAHAYATA  Home care Nursing School, a  unit of Rugnashalaya suported by the Rotary Club of Panaji,  Midtown.  The new batch comprised of 20 students of various backgrounds and from around the corners of Goa. The  talk covered the role of the Nurse. Ethics in nursing and functions of the Nurse in Dentistry. Oral anatomy  was introduced and a written activity  on the same was performed.

change in schedule

Due to Abbott Healthcare and the Continuing Dental Education Programme management, date of presentation have been postponed .

Dates will be announced soon..