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Screening Camps with VHAG, 2018……

Screening Camps with VHAG, 2018……

Published by: Dr. Roshni Fernandes

Our 3rd successive year of being associated with the Voluntary Health Association of Goa.

We kick-started our dental camps at Green Meadows School in Saligao,Goa. An International School, we examined students of classes 5 to 10, coming from varied ethnic backgrounds. Was a very interactive camp, children were well-aware of their oral hygiene and have sought dental treatment in the past. The school principal and teachers believe in overall-growth and development of children, which is a great sign of progress.

St. Joseph’s Convent High School and Fr. Agnel multi-purpose High School, Verna, where we screened more than 350 students from classes 1 to 10. We noted that varied dietary patterns play a major role in determining the caries factor, so does dental education and access to dental facilities.


Our Special Friends from Peace Heaven

Our Special Friends from Peace Heaven

Post by: Dr. Nehali

” Sometimes even the greatest joys bring challenges, and children with special needs inspire very,very special love.” -Sarah Palin.

Such was the love that inspired me when i looked into Deepa’s mouth. I thought it would be quite a challenge, doing her check up and treatment. She could hardly manage a smile and her teeth……what shocked me was her positive attitude towards the dental treatment and that made all the difference. Drilling away and doing her filling was possible only because of her good behaviour.

At our clinic we carried out a  camp in which we did fillings, scaling, fluoride applications, light cured restorations, root canal treatments, extractions and other necessary treatment for around 30+ children from Peace Heaven School for Special Children, Caranzalem.

I  realised while treating them that they are even more cooperative than other children.  It is surely due to the effort of their teachers who have a tough job but they still enjoy doing it.  I really appreciate their dedication. It was a most satisfying camp for me. I enjoyed so much and I am thankful to God and Dr. Noronha, that I got a chance to do something for them. Their smiles are true blessings.



Wishing a Happy Christmas for these little Angels.

Kiddies Dental Camps

Kiddies Dental Camps

Post by: Dr. Roshni Fernandes

Our last camp with Voluntary Health Association of Goa for the year 2017

Dr. Fernando, Dr. Denise and Dr. Roshni screened 150 students of Govt. Primary and Middle School in Zuarinagar. Was quite an interactive camp wherein students, aged 6-14 years,  asked us about what needs to be done in case of a toothache, and how to make their teeth whiter.

We wish to carry out more camps, reaching out to the underprivileged, and most of all children.


School Dental Camps. Dr. Denise reflects:

School Dental Camps. Dr. Denise reflects:


After a brief hiatus, Dr. Fernando’s Dental Clinic, is back again with their community programmes.

The Voluntary Health Association of Goa organized a health camp at Our Lady of Mercy English High School, Vasco.  Dr Fernando Noronha’s clinic was invited to do the dental checkups. It was my first time going for a dental camp and I was really excited.  So we packed our dental kit and scampered off to Vasco for a 2 day camp on 24th & 25th of July 2017.

As soon as we began the screening, we realized the children had a lot of misconceptions and fears about dental treatment, and so we set about allaying their fears.

The first day we attended to students from the 8th to 10th std and on the next day we attended to the 5th to 7th std students,  which were around 600 students.  The children were given a talk and demonstration on the importance of oral hygiene and its maintenance.

We realized that many students had never visited a dentist for any treatment and so many were in need of urgent work. There was this one child who was suffering with dental problems but unfortunately he couldn’t undergo the treatment due to lack of financial means. I personally feel government support or sponsors are required to help such children undergo basic treatment. Overall the experience was satisfying and I look forward to such camps.

Dr. Denise Fernandes

Busy Bee English High School

Busy Bee English High School

Post by: Dr. Roshni F


We at Dr. Fernando Noronha’s Dental Clinic, organised an oral screening and health awareness camp at Busy Bee High School, Vasco.
Voluntary Health Association of Goa has been doing a fantastic job, and we feel happy to be associated with them.
As a budding dentist, striving to keep up with ever-changing advancements made in this field, I realise that we have a life long responsibility of educating and spreading awareness.


2 Day Dental Camp at Our Lady of Candelaria

2 Day Dental Camp at Our Lady of Candelaria

Post by: Dr. Fernando N.

Mid November, the Voluntary Health Association of Goa, invited us to organise another 2 day dental camp, this time all the way down to Vasco.

At 9:00am, we reached Our Lady of Candelaria School, which is located  in Baina, approximately 2kms from Baina beach.

We screened a little over 600 students. Most of the  students are basically from the locality and were unaware of the importance of their own teeth . Our team patiently examined and explained to each student the importance of oral hygiene and what kind of dental treatment they need to undergo. The interaction was very beneficial…… we realised they were misled about myths on extractions and restorations of decayed teeth. We also realised that 98% of them had never been to a dental clinic before.

The funniest moment was when a 10 year old student was asked to see a dentist to get a badly decayed tooth extracted, and he innocently replied “nikalne ka nahin, brain fuse ho jata hai”. An audio visual presentation was very helpful in motivating the children towards their oral health.








Quellosim here we come.

Quellosim here we come.

Post by: Dr. Fernando

Driving down to Quelossim and to St.Annes High School, was an amazing drive. The village settings, the greenery, the colorful ‘bonderam’ along the way with festive palm leaves at intervals  really welcomed us to a quiet and serene locality. School bells and children all in line walked past us and we followed them into a very nice school building. We were ushered to a large hall where banners indicated the venue for a comprehensive health check up camp organised by the Voluntary health association of Goa and supported by Sanofi.


The team comprising of Dr.Prithvi, Dr.Sneha, Dr.Roshni and Dr.Fernando with the able support of Fatima immediately set up four stations for the oral examination of the kids.

The programme started with a welcome and children with ‘ hands behind their backs’ 🙂 made to stand in line with a paper handed to them, were directed to the general physician for a general checkup and then to the dental section for their oral examination.





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Every child was guided about their respective treatments, oral hygiene measures and a tooth paste courtesy Indoco Waren Laboratories,  was distributed to every child.

After recess, there was a  presentation made by Dr. Roshni  highlighting the role of the teeth , their importance and how to maintain them for a lifetime. The importance of tooth brushing, good diet and avoidance of bad habits  was stressed upon. The children  participated enthusiastically in the slide show.
Over 260 children were attended to in the camp.






THE next day  a similar camp was undertaken for the Govt. Middle School, Dabolim. .Here we interacted with a different class of children belonging to the migrant and labour class. Surprisingly they had a better oral health which goes to show how -the higher you climb the social ladder the weaker your teeth are 🙂  it was rewarding to guide these children on the right path of oral health.


Screening Camp at The Park Hotel

Screening Camp at The Park Hotel

Post by: Dr. Roshni Fernandes

“Step outside your comfort zone, never stop learning, never stop growing”


Dr. Fernando Noronha and team were invited to organise a screening camp by The Park Hotel, a luxury 5-star boutique hotel in Calangute. This is the first time, we organised a camp for the hospitality industry.



Dr. Prithvi, Dr. Roshni and Dr. Ankita screened approximately 60 participants comprising mainly the staff of the hotel and guests. We also gave presentations on dental diseases, their prevention & treatment modalities.

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The participants were very enthusiastic, and we were happy to answer their queries. Ms. Sneha Chopdekar, the HR manager of the hotel, said ” we are happy to have organised this camp for the staff where their problems have been identified and addressed by Dr. Noronha and his team and will surely do this in the future. The presentations  provided information which  was really helpful “.

Special Children , Precious Smiles

Special Children , Precious Smiles

Post by: Dr. Roshni Fernandes

“We cannot do great things, but we can only do little things with great love”…… Saint Teresa


11th August 2016, we at Dr. Fernando Noronha’s Dental Clinic, welcomed our special patients from Peace Heaven, for their yearly dental camp. Our team comprising of Dr. Fernando Noronha, Dr. Anagha Nashirkar, Dr. Prithvi Naik, Dr. Ankita Kejriwal, Dr. Roshni Fernandes and dental assistants Geeta and Fatima, look forward to this special day every year.

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We received 35 children aged between 9 to 20yrs. Interestingly, this year there were a lot of new faces.

We were able to carry out various procedures from oral prophylaxis, root canal treatments to extractions and restorations.


My colleagues and I observed that children’s oral hygiene had improved a lot over the years. They are more co-operative in the dental chair and very eager to know more. Communicating with these wonderful kids wasnt all that difficult. Sr. Threza and the staff of Peace Heaven, who have found their calling in caring for differently-abled children, their hard work and dedication is highly commendable.

The children were treated to snacks by Geeta and Fatima, handed each a takeaway gift.  The joy in their faces was our  great reward for the  day.




Special day for special children.

Special day for special children.

image7th august, 2014  was a special day reserved for specially-abled children from  PEACE HEAVEN, an orphanage in Caranzalem.  Around 30 children between the age group of 10 to 23 were treated.

Preventive and Restorative Dental treatment comprising of scaling, flouride applications, restorations and extractions was rendered to these kids. Records of all dental treatment was maintained and follow up schedule was planned for them. Oral hygiene instructions were given to them as well their caretakers.

Children were happy to recieve gift hampers from our clinic.

Abbott pharmaceutical comapany sponsored  toothpastes and mouthwashes  and snacks which was a kind  and noble
gesture in supporting our  mission towards these wonderful kids.

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