Post by: Dr. Roshni Fernandes
“We cannot do great things, but we can only do little things with great love”…… Saint Teresa
11th August 2016, we at Dr. Fernando Noronha’s Dental Clinic, welcomed our special patients from Peace Heaven, for their yearly dental camp. Our team comprising of Dr. Fernando Noronha, Dr. Anagha Nashirkar, Dr. Prithvi Naik, Dr. Ankita Kejriwal, Dr. Roshni Fernandes and dental assistants Geeta and Fatima, look forward to this special day every year.
We received 35 children aged between 9 to 20yrs. Interestingly, this year there were a lot of new faces.
We were able to carry out various procedures from oral prophylaxis, root canal treatments to extractions and restorations.
My colleagues and I observed that children’s oral hygiene had improved a lot over the years. They are more co-operative in the dental chair and very eager to know more. Communicating with these wonderful kids wasnt all that difficult. Sr. Threza and the staff of Peace Heaven, who have found their calling in caring for differently-abled children, their hard work and dedication is highly commendable.
The children were treated to snacks by Geeta and Fatima, handed each a takeaway gift. The joy in their faces was our great reward for the day.