I was nervous as it was my first experience being alone and having to face so many kids, teachers and school staff all eagerly waiting for my talk. It was Oral hygiene that I was to speak on, a topic which is so dear to me that preparing for it was easy and all of a sudden everything was hard and scary.
Standing up in front of everyone somehow gave me some confidence to talk. Seeing the rapt attention that the kids gave me and the responsiveness and the interaction during the presentation, it all seemed easy. The kids were curious to know more and asked questions. Seeing a slide of mine which had celebrities without teeth, made them laugh. Even the teachers got so engrossed that later I spent some nice moments explaining in detail to them.
They all realized the importance of their teeth, they learnt how to look after them and i was impressed to see some teachers recording on their phones, the brushing technique which I was explaining . I even made few kids practice the technique on the model which they did with lot of curiosity.
Finally I ended my talk with few “take home messages” which were appreciated by the kids as well as the teachers who personally came and congratulated me for the same. I was pleased with their good positive response and appreciation which eventually made me happy and even more confident with myself.
The session ended with a a group photograph where the photographer of the program insisted everyone to show their ‘good hygiene’ teeth.
I am thankful to JCI club for organising this event and Saraswat College Mapuca for this oppurtunity.